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Primary Framing System

Willusinfra Engineered building have designed and constructed variety of framing to meet specific project requirement of client, for maximum utilization of space with excellent strength and highest safety standard. PEB is all about systems, standard abbreviations and standard connections .lets first understand basics of primary framing systems

Rigid Frames

Rigid Frames are structural member bearing the load of entire building. They are I -section members (web and flange) interconnected with connection bolts. Vertical structure members are called columns and Horizontal members which are connected with columns are called rafters This is also called as primary framing system.

End Wall Frames

End Wall Frames are one of essential structural components of Primary framing system, an important member of Pre-Engineered Buildings. Intermediate column of End wall frame distributes the load of building. End wall Frames can be designed in two types, expandable rigid frame or post end beam depend on client requirement for future expansion.


Bracing is the most important part of building as portal are not designed for longitudinal wind forces .it gives stability in longitudinal forces. The mechanism distributes drag force ,temperature coefficient and end wall wind loads to ground. Willus peb understands bracing concepts better then most of the PEB companies. This figure let you understand what is bracing .sometimes for better clearances people use portal bracing which is costlier though gives free space.

Crane systems

E.O.T cranes are the part of primary framing system, it rest on crane gantry and crane gantry rest on crane brackets and designed as per loading of crane. There are various type of crane used in industry for various purposes. They are mentioned as under. The crane brackets are the typical successful member which is holding up the crane beam. The crane bracket in an essential primary framing system which carry the load of crane beam and attached to the columns. The crane brackets joined to the vertical segments substitute the utilization of an overhead crane section.

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